Do you want to know if your toenail is ingrown and/or infected? TEXT a close up photo, like the toe shown above, to 702-758-3338 or eMail the photo to
This permanent ingrown toenail removal can be safely and quickly done in the comfort of your hotel room.
The cost for the Las Vegas Podiatrist house call, history, examination, anesthesia, permanent correction surgery, followup care, and antibiotics if needed is $280.
You pay $280 at the time of service. This covers everything.
No referrals needed. No copayments. No deductibles.
No "facility charge." No hidden charges. No surprises.
You will receive a standard HCFA 1500 insurance claim form with the exact diagnosis and procedure codes, and the Doctor's NPI number.
You will file this form to your medical insurance company and/or to your medical savings account.
Please do not ask the Doctor to be your loan officer.
Please do not ask the Doctor to be your insurance agent.
Don't spend all day at the Emergency Room, Quick Care, Prompt Care, CareNow, or Urgent Care only to have an "assistant" try to treat your throbbing, painful toe with a prescription pad.
This Las Vegas foot doctor has performed over 30,000 toenail procedures in an urgent care setting.
All instruments are sterilized by hospital operating room techniques.
Your toe will be completely numb before we start the procedure, and will stay numb for several hours after the procedure. Don't worry about the shot. After 250,000 patients, we give a very good shot.
Instructions after your toenail surgery: After your next shower, unwrap the wet dressing slowly. At least twice a day scrub the toe vigorously with a wash cloth and cool, soapy water. Rinse the soap off with cool water and pat dry. Pull the skin and cuticle away from the former nail border and milk the toe to promote drainage. The nail root was permanently killed with an acid, and this acid burn will need to drain for 3-4 weeks. The drainage will be a clear straw colored fluid. If you could hold a drop of this fluid up to the light, you should be able to see through it. If it is thick white, yellow, or green fluid that you can not see light through, that is not drainage. This is pus, and you will need to take the antibiotic pills provided by the Doctor. If you have any questions TEXT a close up photo of the toe to 702-758-3338.
You can wear a dry gauze and self adhesive coflex wrap, like the dressing the Doctor used. You may put a drop of povidone iodine on the toe.
Most patients just wear clean socks and change the socks a few time a day if the drainage soaks through.
bandaids and ointments macerate the skin and might slow the healing.
If you scrub the toe with soap and water, twice a day, the toe can not get infected. Don't slack off. Scrub the toe.
There will be no pain following this procedure as long as you keep the hole where the ingrown nail border used to be, under the cuticle, open for drainage by pulling the cuticle back with your finger or a Q-tip.
If there is throbbing and aching four or five days after the procedure, there is probably drainage trapped under the cuticle. Don't slack off. Keep that cuticle open and milk the toe to promote drainage for 3-4 weeks.
TEXT 702-758-3338 if you have any questions. After 30,000 toenail procedures and 250,000 patients, there is nothing the Doctor has not seen following this toenail procedure.